Category Archives: Loma Linda Messages

Loma Linda Messages Summary Part 4

Notes from Loma Linda Messages. Prepared for the brainstorming committee self appointed on January 26, 2003.
Brother Howell is very desirous of knowing how to plan for the educational work with which he is connected, so that no mistakes may be made. I tell him that the Lord will lead all who are willing to be led. The Bible is our safe guide book. Said Christ, “He that will come after me, let him take up his cross and follow Me.” We cannot mark out a practice line to be followed unconditionally. Circumstances and emergencies will arise for which the Lord must give special instruction. {179.4}

In humility all are to become living, eloquent commentaries on the words that God hath spoken: “God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are.”{169.5}

Segment 3, below, covers pages 242-420 in the original edition, 141-229  in the edition published in 1981. The pagination below represents the 1981 edition.


164.6               “Schools must be established in connection with the sanitariums. As far as possible, these organizations must be blended, each helping the other, and yet each doing its special work.”* [oft repeated thought]


164.4               “Make the school especially strong for nurses and physicians. Thousands of workers are to be qualified with all the ability of physicians, to labor not as physicians, but as medical missionary evangelists.” [Emphasis here and elsewhere and earlier…supplied]

170.4               Persons working in not-very-successful-health-evangelism enterprises (vegetarian restaurants in EGW’s days, SDA hospitals today) “should be breaking away” from these institutions to join those doing true medical missionary work.

222.5               “When the principles of the word of God are brought into the life practice of the workers, we shall have men of God’s appointment [in responsible positions.]”

227-228           Two physicians, Drs. Nicola, were invited to leave Melrose and come to LL. Why? Because (and EGW did not tell them why…she said to them “for reasons which I will not now state”) they were in spiritual danger, were trusting Kellogg, and needed to be brought where his influence did not bear sway. However, they were not to be placed in any leadership position, but to be learners. That was instruction given to Burden, not to the Nicolas themselves.



141.3               Glendale was eight miles from LA, and PVS was seven miles from San Diego. [Apparently, it was the proximity of LL to Redlands and Riverside that made its 62 miles from LA acceptable.—This is relevant to our discussion regarding how “close” is close. See last study under WHERE]

163.5-163.6     “The extensive view of valley and mountain is magnificent. One of the chief advantages of the institution at Loma Linda is the pleasing variety of charming scenery on every side.       But more important than magnificent scenery and beautiful buildings and spacious grounds, is the close proximity of this institution to a densely populated district, and the opportunity thus afforded of communicating to many, many people a knowledge of the third angel’s message.

173                  Discussion of move of sanitarium from S. Lancaster (50 miles from Boston) to Melrose (8 miles from Boston—my estimates). This was “in the order of God.” Loma Linda was a good place because it was in a “rich” district. This was good. Big cities must be reached from sanitariums connected to their higher-class suburbs—this appears to be the idea. Boston could support (in 1906) “one hundred workers” in various places.

177.1               EGW invited the Haskells to come to LL; then came and taught Bible. What else were they doing? “The labor earnestly to keep the workers all alive and interested to sell the literature, and the work is certainly taking hold.” This was LL, the medical school….

185.5               “If there is cooperation between the educational work and the work of the sanitarium, we can heartily recommend that the higher education be carried on in the sanitarium grounds for this is the Lord’s plan.”

187                  “A similar work is to be carried forward in the Southern States.” Nashville is mentioned.


141.6               Ellen White invited the Haskell family to make LL their out-post home for ministry to Redlands and Riverside. Invitation mentioned nothing of responsibilities in the institution itself till page 145.5.

165.3-165.4     “I am instructed to say, Prepare places where will be given true education free from deceptive theories. Let the plain words of Christ, uncontaminated by false science, be taught. It will require no elaborate preparations to engage sincerely, humbly, prayerfully in this work.” But do not chastise anyone, excepting yourself. Get right. See 168.3

183-184           Roy Logan, an aspiring [that is, hoping to be] Osteopath, was seeking an education. Our schools did not teach osteopathy. Loma Linda taught medical missionary work and was hoping to train physicians, though this was not yet developed. What was EGW’s advice to Mr. Logan? Read it here. (smile).


173.5               Disasters in big cities should say to us… ‘work now’ to warn them. The best time for doing this is already past.



144-145           Ellen White vs Battle Creek. Read it. The parallels might be troubling.

147.3               Angels instructed that care should be given to building structures so that wind could not carry sparks and fire between them. [Fascinating. Apparently paying tithe isn’t enough.]

165.5               To the pioneering administrator: “Move guardedly, and be careful not to take upon yourself too many responsibilities. Your mind is to be left free as possible from matters of secondary importance.”

178                  Practical information regarding equipment of the sanitarium. X-rays, electrical devices, certain medical specialties in surgical practice. Interesting. Contrasts “earlier” simple methods with the expensive machines. Earlier worked better. Give more attention to reforms (in this case, dress).

182                  Prerogatives of the God-fearing pioneer, Elder Burden: “If any of his brethren act arbitrarily in an effort to restrain him in this, they would be hindering the very work that the Lord has signified should be done. He is not to be forced to turn aside from his convictions as to the way in which the work under his charge shall be carried on.” Balancing statement in same letter: 183.1

198.5               “In order to maintain a right influence, the workers must reveal that they are one in sentiment. Do not let it be seen that there is disunion among the helpers.”



166.3-167.3     Industries that make our health work appear to be a for-profit program, i.e. health-food production, undermine our witness. Such industries, if conducted near the sanitarium, are a source of disagreeable issues and will distract the sanitarium administration from their legitimate work of healing and saving the sick. Patients will be disgusted. However, if conducted as very small-scale operations, i.e. a little bakery, some distance from the sanitarium, they would be a help in every way. See 168.5, 186, 190 for more. From 201 – “There is a possibility of entering into a work that will bring gain of means but which would result in spiritual loss to the sanitarium.”

171.1               “When facilities are added to sanitariums that have been set in operation, let the additions be most thoroughly and firmly constructed; but there should be no large expenditure of means to secure every advantage at the beginning.”

171.2-171.4     “Build no more than is positively necessary . . . Set aside your desire for full equipments at once. Let the best possible use be made of fewer facilities, rather than to increase debts. All that is needed may in time be obtained . . . ” [See the paragraphs]

185.6               Kellogg’s cornflakes plan requires too great an investment. Simple, cheap is better.

190.3               “Brother Reaser supposes that if it were not for his watching of the finances, there would be serious losses, whereas, if he had nothing to do and say in these matters, it would save many perplexities . . .. I know that it is a mistake for him to be connected with our sanitariums; he should not be a manager.” [His controlling and hindering ideas put clogs in the work and made it more difficult for Burden to advance. R. thought this was wise.]

192.5               “Hire money, if this is necessary in order to perfect the work.” See context.

205.2               “At our request, Brother Burden is going East to attend some of our campmeetings, where he may come in contact with many of our brethren and sisters, and lay before them the opportunities for assisting these important branches of the Lord’s work.”

206.4               “At our request Brother Burden has consented to visit important gatherings of our people in the Middle West, and to endeavor to secure gifts or loans for some of our Southern Calif. Sanitariums.”

206.1               “From Brother Burden I learned that the one who had offered to lend him a thousand dollars is a patient who had been in the sanitarium for some time. He had a serious stomach difficulty, and for some time his life was hanging in the balance. The crisis safely passed, he has begun to study the truth, and is deeply interested.”

206.2, 207.5    Free meal to the visitors. This was “not a loss” to the sanitarium, but a good witness.


142.8               “We cannot afford to accept every [youth] who is willing to come [help with the sanitarium for training]. Great injury is done to our medical institutions when we connect with them inexperienced youth, who do not understand what it means to do faithful service for God.”


141.1-142.4     [Fascinating] Haskell family was invited to give a course of lectures at Battle Creek. This was a trick; the plan was to use the Haskell’s good reputation to invite unsuspecting youth to Battle Creek against counsel. Wow. EGW said “don’t go” Farnsworth might go for a short time, but shouldn’t stay.

143.7               The Lord is to do a strange work very soon. A representation has been given me that I have not yet had strength to trace upon paper. I must know when to speak and when to keep silent. When the Lord bids me speak, I cannot keep silent.

158.3               Speak with “short discourses”, “right to the point” and call hearers “to make a decision.” In meetings, sell and distribute our periodicals.

165.1               “No longer should our people go to Battle Creek as they have been doing. Infidelity has been sown there in words in false statements, in unsanctified influence of mind over mind.” [See context. It appears to me that the current educational situation in the NAD, in the light of these statements and other like statements, is an iceberg that must be met squarely rather than dodgingly. Read and let me know what you understand.]

177.4               “If I were twenty-five years younger, I would certainly take up labor in the cities. But I must reach them with the pen.” – She was about 80 when she wrote this.

179.6               “It has often been presented to me that there should be less sermonizing by ministers acting merely as local pastors of churches, and that greater personal efforts should be put forth. Our people should not be made to think that they need to listen to a sermon every Sabbath. Many who listen frequently to sermons, even though the truth be preached in clear lines, learn but little. Often it would be more profitable if the Sabbath meetings were of the nature of a Bible class study. Bible truth should be presented in such a simple, interesting manner that all can easily understand and grasp the principles of salvation.”

191.1, 211.2*  “I must warn my brethren to be on their guard against” administrators “embracing” too much authority and a dictatorial manner of dealing with those in their conferences. See 221.1-222.4 for important paragraphs on this point in relation to teaching this to members. She speaks of a “false education” in the churches in these lines that must be corrected, and of “permissions and their forbiddings” confusing minds. This needs to be read. “Man power is not to rule the church of Christ.” See also 229.3-229.5 “A strange things has come into our churches. Men who are placed in positions of responsibility that they might be wise helpers, to their fellow workers, have come to suppose that they were set as kings and rulers in the churches, to say to one brother, Do this, to another, Do that, and to another, Be sure and labor in such and such a way. There have been places where workers have been told that if they did not follow the instruction of these men of responsibility, their pay from the conference would be withheld.” She indicates that this condition may be brought on by laying so much responsibility upon a man that he feels he must dictate to handle those responsibilities (i.e., there is not time to talk everything over).

202.3               “Your mind must be a treasure house, full of good things. Keep the patients cheerful. Pleasant words of instruction may be given”

* Indicates a point that, while only noted in these pages one time, is found repeatedly and emphatically in the LLM.

Loma Linda Messages Summary Part 3

Notes from Loma Linda Messages. Prepared for the brainstorming committee self appointed on January 26, 2003.

My soul is stirred within me. I shall trust in God with heart and soul. I shall proclaim the messages that He has given me to proclaim. I testify in the Lord that our youth should not be encouraged to go to Battle Creek to be made infidels. God will help us to see what can be done to prevent this. We are now to work earnestly and intelligently to save our youth from being taken captive by the enemy. {LLM 70.5}

Segment 3, below, covers pages 101-  in the original edition, 66-  in the edition published in 1981. The pagination below represents the 1981 edition.


67.4-67.5         The Med. Missionary work is not to become the “body.” It is the arm. And the body, including the arm, is to be separate from world. Kellogg united the body to the world by inviting worldly men “into his councils” and by involving a worldly lawyer.

69.3                 [Read this paragraph in LLM]  Young men, as medical missionaries, should go apprentice under evangelists and become evangelists themselves. They should do door-to-door medical evangelism.*  [Has this model every been tried???]

73.4                 In sanitariums, “medical and surgical” work should be doable.

101.2               “In the past, decided failures have been made in the institutions established for the care of the sick because so much business has been crowded in that the main object for which our sanitariums are established has been lost sight of. Great loss has thus been sustained. I am to urge upon our people that the proclamation of the principles of truth must be kept prominent, as the main line of work for which our sanitariums were instituted.”

101.3               “Every day devotional exercises are to be held.”


73.7                 Better for the work to be crippled than for workers who are not fully devoted to be employed . . .. The Lord has no use whatever for men who are not wholly consecrated to His service.

76.6                 ** “It requires talent of no ordinary ability to manage a sanitarium. Men of experience, tried and tested must take hold of the work. That part of the workers who undertake to establish such an institution are experienced and qualified, is not sufficient. For their own sake, for the sake of the institution, and for the sake of the cause at large, it is important that a complete corps of well qualified men and women be found to enter upon the work. The Lord’s eye is over the whole field, and when the time is ripe for an institution to be started in a certain field, He can turn toward that place the minds of the men and women best prepared to enter the institution. **

77.4                 Nurses “not rooted and grounded in the truth should not be employed.”

80                    See this page for a description of staffing positions at start of the Glendale Sanitarium

80-81               There is a good deal of info here about choosing a director and a business manager for an institution. Read it. The angel said, “No mistake must be made in this matter. Men are not to be placed in positions of trust who have not been tested and tried. [Chose] men who can discern the work that needs to be done, and prayerfully do it, that the mistakes and errors of the past need not be repeated. The one who is placed in the position of business manager,” he said, “must daily be managed by the Lord. He should have dignity and knowledge, blended with a clear sense of how to use his authority.”

83.3                 “He will raise up from among the common people, men and women to do His work . . . There will soon be an awakening that will surprise many. Those who do not realize the necessity of what is to be done, will be passed by.” [Amen!]

129                  Ellen White released her own secretary to do educational work because of her great talent and because of the great need. This was the “only reason” she could release her. Important: She did NOT give her the option of working half for EGW and half for the educational institution. She must prayerfully chose and devote her whole self to one.

131.1               A Dr. was needed for St. Helena San. One was available, but “We have no use for Dr. Sanderson and shall not give him another call. His wife is sufficient objection to his coming to St. Helena.” “We see no call for Dr. Sanderson until he is a converted man.”

131.3               In her old age, EGW worked night and day to find and secure doctors for the sanitariums. “I have written early and late without rest and now this morning am admonished that I must rest.”



67.3                 When truth is proclaimed in one place, go to others, as Christ did. They asked him to stay with them, but He said, ‘I must tell others.’

86.3                 “The electric cars running close by [Glendale San.] make access to it very convenient.”

98.2-98.4         Establish “some miles” from the cities where there is considerable “land.” Read context.

110.1               LL “is one of the most perfect places for a sanitarium that I have ever seen.”

111.3               Those, who against counsel, cling to cities for placing sanitariums will regret it soon

111.4-111.5     “Let your schools, the high and the lowly, be out of the cities.”

118.3               LL is “five miles from Redlands, and twelve from Riverside.”

119.6               It is 76 acres, plenty of fruit trees*

122-123           There are a number of descriptions in LL of the furnishings; this is one of the most complete. It was nearly luxurious in its furniture and carpets.

132.2               “Very much depends upon having good water.”




98.1                 Go forward and secure the property even thought you have not found the proper man to run it. When the time comes, you will find the man.


70.1                 God will turn and overturn. He will raise men to prominence who are humble.

71.3                 “Neither is it His purpose that medical missionary workers shall spend a long term of years in college before they enter the field. Let the young men and women who know the truth go to work, not in places where the truth has been proclaimed, but in places that have not heard the message, and let them work as canvassers and evangelists. Let the teachers of these youth take them away from the place where God has indicated by His judgments that they should not be.”*

73.5                 From light given to EGW she knew that groups should do medical missionary work from town to town and that this work is best prepared for by the work of the “faithful canvasser.”

74.4                 Promoting health reform in local churches a means revival. “See if the breath of life will not then come into these churches.”

77.2                 Ellen White wrote “I was to set an example to the church by taking the sick to my home and caring for them.”

107.1-107.3     Beware of political machinations of Satan, flattering words from persons with connections, to deceive and disrupt and derail the work. (Kellogg is context). Educational men must be placed at heads of departments that are firm as rock to principle and truth.

111.5               Look, not for lands alone, but for buildings already built. God will arrange to have them sold cheaply.

133.3-133.4     Workers should be given only a day’s labor to do. Over work should not be encouraged. Only women are qualified to decide how much labor a woman should do.


82.4                 From an EGW fundraising testimony: “Christian philanthropists should step forward just now to fulfill the commission of Christ. Let our brethren send in their gifts with thanksgiving and with prayer, that they may be multiplied and blessed by the Lord, as was the food given to the disciples to give to the five thousand.”

89.1                 “Will you please consider the advisability of establishing a sanitarium in the vicinity of these towns, with treatment-rooms in each place to act as feeders to the institution?” [The idea here is to have small treatment facilities in towns that funnel patients to the sanitarium out of town. Very interesting.]

95.2-95.4         The conference can not be expected to take up the responsibility for the sanitarium. We will take it to the people, BUT the people must have “definite information” on “terms of payment.” If you wait for the conference to take responsibility, there will be no hope.

95.6-96.1         Ellen White was looking for persons to give her 0% interest personal loans to invest in starting the sanitarium. [What an example.]

111.7               From EGW fundraising testimony: “Gifts, and loans at a low rate of interest, will be gladly received. My brethren, it is the Lord’s money that you are handling, and you cannot invest it better than by putting it into the Lord’s work.”

131.6,138.8     “If we introduce a new system of paying our surgeons high wages, there may be a hard problem to settle after a time. Other physicians will demand high wages, and our ministers will require consideration also.” This was in response to a demand by a physician for a high salary, $25/wk plus commission on surgery.


68.3                 “No arrangements should be made to gather a large number of students at any one place.” If this is done, and teachers err, a false stamp will be placed on all the education.*

69.4-69.5         A few should be trained as physicians. Many could work under these few with a quick training that did not qualify them to hold a “fully accredited” diploma as a physician. Many with little opportunity for “regular course” education could be qualified to help as “rank and file” workers and nurses.

74.3                 About six years before 68.3 (above) when Battle Creek was smaller, and Kellogg on target, EGW wrote “The complaint comes, Dr. Kellogg has gathered up all the young men he can get, and therefore we have no workers. But this is the very best thing that could be done for the young men and the work.” Why? Because they will be sent back to churches to work.


71.5                 Jesus, in the Great Commission, did not “tell them to establish a seminary in Jerusalem, and to gather together students to be instructed in the . . . classics.” They were to “Go!”*

78.3                 Nurses, in the sanitarium, “should have regular Bible instruction” so they can share.

85.7                 “Temptations are being brought in by men who have been long in the truth. The truths that we received in 1841, ’42, ’43 and ’44 are now to be studied and proclaimed. The messages of the first, second, and third angels will in the future be proclaimed with a loud voice.”

100.3               See context of this: “God would draw minds from the conviction of logic to a conviction deeper, higher, purer, and more glorious, a conviction unperverted by human logic. Human logic has often nearly quenched the light which God would have shine forth in clear rays.”

102.4               Bookkeeping is a line of education that “in no case should be neglected” in the Loma Linda School.


67-68               Medical Missionaries should not allow themselves to be controlled by the “authority” of a physician (like Kellogg) who would separate them from their brethren

72A.1-72A.2   True Medical Missionaries will be hated, as was Jesus, and persecuted from city to city.

73.3                 Ellen White said to read a certain list of passages that “outline true medical missionary work.” To save ink??? these were left out of the manuscript. Sadly. Anyone of you with the manuscript could perhaps give us the references at least.

79                    Not one or two, but more men, should follow up on large additions to church membership with giving continued Bible studies to ground the new believers.

94.2                 “Obedience is the life of the soul. It brings health and peace and assurance.”

102.6               Counsel to Burden, the leader in pioneering LL, “Do not be discouraged if in any wise there is some cutting across of your plans, and if you are somewhat hindered.”

114                  Very interesting story about Boulder Sanitarium. A physician set up practice next to it, lowered the standard, and drew patients away from it. Now it was struggling already to make ends meet. How to relate? Sell the Sanitarium? Read it and see (smile).

127.4               “Read the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah. Read it over many times, and you will receive a deeper impression each time.”

128.3               Talented staff may be called away from their teaching responsibilities for a time to meet important issues in the church. This should be permitted, even assisted.

132.3-133:2     In business of healthy restaurants, many have “lost science of soul-winning.” We can not recommend making more until they are more evangelistic and less business oriented. “Please read testimonies” published in 7T on restaurants and health-foods

* Indicates a point that, while only noted in these pages one time, is found repeatedly and emphatically in the LLM.

Loma Linda Messages Summary Part 2

Notes from Loma Linda Messages. Prepared for the brainstorming committee self appointed on January 26, 2003.

I have tried in every way to bring about the needed reformation, and save the souls of those who are following a wrong course. But I cannot go on as I have been going. When every effort has been made to save their souls, and yet all is in vain, we must cry aloud and spare not, lest our silence be interpreted to mean consent. The time has come when each one must stand in his lot and place, prepared to call sin, sin, and righteousness, righteousness.  {LLM 48.1}

Segment 1, below, covers pages 60-100 in the original edition, 38-65 in the edition published in 1981. The pagination below represents the 1981 edition. I have noticed that many statements in the first 50 pages were selected from larger letters found later in the collection. When I come across statements for the second time I will pass over them except as additional information is presented.


55.1                 Hold a Bible Institute in a place where there is a sanitarium, where Medical Missionaries and ministers may meet together to study the Bible. Read it together. Don’t twist it.


40.3                 Workers who are “bright and cheerful,” not “stiff, unsocial,” nor “trifling, light”



39.1                          To help those who have “never heard the truth”—[Perhaps this would be suggestive]

39.4-39.6             Southern California, many places. This is repeated repeatedly.

40.1-40.2             In beautiful nature where patients can pleasantly work outside with plants

42.1                          Work in the capitol, Washington D.C., as well as Southern California

42.2-42.3         Paradise Valley was purchased “about six miles from San Diego”

It was on a hill overlooking a beautiful valley; airy, appropriate

43.3                 Don’t “build hotels for . . . tourists,” and don’t “establish sanitariums in the cities.”

53.2, 53.3        In “every large city” there should be medical missionary workers emanating from not-far-distant educating sanitariums

There are many in cities that will attend, but will/can not go a great distance

God “invests with holy dignity” those that open these sanitariums in new places

57.5                 The need “calls for small sanitariums in many places, not in the heart of cities.”

62.6                 Practical apprenticeship in “different places” should be used to teach.


39.2                 To give the Elijah Message, “Repent!” to flocks of tourists

61.2-62.1         Ellen White bowed in grief that “so many” that call “themselves Medical Missionaries” do a work so unlike what Jesus did. His emphasis, his focus, was on teaching about spiritual life and about the Father. Will anyone do this kind of Med. Missionary work?


39.1                          Be in earnest that this work “extend rapidly”

44.1                 All is urgent. If workable buildings can not be purchased for a reasonable sum, then purchase land and erect buildings. Get started.



41.2-3                     Jesus left heaven and became poor. His success, and ours, lies in “simplicity,” of this kind. Will we try to make big splash as the world does? Jesus said, “Foxes have holes…”

49.4                 “Those who put their whole soul into the medical missionary work, who labor untiringly, in peril, in privation, in watchings oft, in weariness and painfulness, are in danger of forgetting that they must be faithful guardians of their own mental and physical powers. They are not to allow themselves to be overtaxed. But they are filled with zeal and earnestness, and they sometimes move unadvisedly, putting themselves under too heavy a strain.”

54.3                 Example of the pioneers. They were “medical missionaries.” Starting was difficult. “But the difficulties we encountered only made us unite in pushing forward the harder, and we have not forgotten what wonderful victories the Lord gave us. How many times there came upon us trials that almost overpowered us.”

54                    Contrast made by Ellen White between 1850’s and 1905

1850’s                                                             1905

Earnest Prayer                                                            [implied problems by contrast]

Humility                                                         [implied problems by contrast]

No one advised to spend years in preparation [implied problems by contrast]

No institutions                                                            Many Institutions/large “corps of

Power and Healing                                                      physicians working”

Nights spent in prayer

Many miracles wrought                                  Few better prepared for medical work

                                                                                                            than in 1850’s


55.4-56.1         “Mistakes will be made.” Don’t “bear down” on those that make mistakes. But also, do not let one thread spoil the beautiful medical missionary plan God has given. EGW said she must write these words “over and over” until “adherence to principle” shows men have repented. Also, some “mistakes” are result of Angels leading men to ignore committee recommendations, so be careful how you censure.

56-57               The institution should not grow to the point that it holds “many workers” in a centralized place (as Battle Creek did). It should be small enough to let the workers spread nationwide. “God has not given us the work of erecting immense sanitariums.” “Break up the large centers,” has been the word of the Lord.” [How?]

59.3                 Worst evil in church: when Med. Missionaries are not united with ministers. MM should be interested in the work of the conference, and the conference in their work as well


41.1                          If Christ’s followers follow Him in self-denial, there will be plenty of money available for establishing medical missionary work in “many places.”

42.5                 When EGW could not convince the brethren to buy PV, she asked two friends to go in with her and buy it privately for $5,000.

43.6-43.7         Balance to the above: Workers should listen to those with great experience to save themselves financial embarrassment. They should not feel that they do not need to counsel with others.

44.3                 God’s plan: Selling COL and MH to finance Education and Sanitarium debt-reduction

44.4                 Do not depend much on regular offerings (second tithe). Rather, work hard to develop industries that students can use to pay their way through school.

44.5                 Parents should pay tuition of their child. COL sale fund should help students that have many siblings, or that have no support from home.

45.1                 Let children do “all in their power” to earn their tuition “before” commencing studies

46                    This page is more about the plan to use books to finance the institution.

Students will gain much more than money…they will be trained by God for missions

“The Lord makes a way for all those that employ the means He has” chosen for

financing the work. For institutions, it is book selling. See context.

47                        In the book selling ministry, go over the same territory “again and again.” It is good.

With humble hearts begin afresh, and by your words and example encourage those who have never tried to sell the book to make an effort

53.1                 Give all the publicity you can to the work that must be done

57-58               Large Patronage is not sign of God’s blessing necessarily. If wealthy patients come for the pleasantry of the service, the staff become their servants rather than missionaries.


53.1                 Give “all the publicity we can” to the work that needs to be done.

56.3-56.4         Do not ask students to contract themselves to years in a particular field or under the direction of a certain group of men. God must be given room to guide minds.

58.2                 Let ministers learn how to give treatments and to become Medical Missionaries

60.2                 We “cannot afford” to let the minds of the youth be leavened by worldly influences in places like Battle Creek. Provide better options. Church destiny hangs on this.


52.1, 52.5        Young people are brought to our sanitariums to be trained as medical missionaries

62.5                 “Those who expect to become medical missionary workers must be thoroughly educated in Bible lines. They should have the very best spiritual advantages, in order that they may be fitted to teach and to train others.”

62.6                 Practical apprenticeship in “different places” should be used to teach.

64.5                 “Study the Bible more, and the theories of the medical fraternities less, and you will have greater spiritual health. . . Those who take a medical training spend a great deal of time in learning that which is merely rubbish. Many of the theories that they learn may be compared in value to the traditions . . . taught by the scribes . . . . Many of the intricacies with which they have to become familiar are an injury to their minds.”

65.4                 Medical research will have greater “soundness” when researchers are resting in Christ


“Read the fifty-seventh of Isaiah. Study this chapter carefully for it means much to you. I will make no comments upon it. If you will study it carefully, and prayerfully, you will become wise unto salvation.”  {LLM 41.4}

“It is because there are so many day-dreamers that true workers have to carry double burdens.”  {LLM 49.7}

“Study the twelfth chapter of Romans. It points out the unity, the sympathy, the kindness, the unselfish love, that is to exist amongst God’s workers.”  {LLM 50.3}

Let medical missionaries go forth “two by two” and in “little companies” to do their work. {LLM 58.4}

Physicians should not locate their practice near spiritual Jerusalem centers, even to gain patronage. {LLM  63.4}


Loma Linda Messages Summary Part 1

Notes from Loma Linda Messages. Prepared for the brainstorming committee self appointed on January 26, 2003.
“One night we seemed to be in a council meeting and the question was being considered, how can the sanitarium work in southern California be best advanced? One present proposed one thing, and still another proposed something entirely different. One of dignity and authority arose and said: “I have some words of counsel for you. Never, never repeat a mistake of the past. Men have placed too much confidence in themselves . . . You have, said our instructor, come to an important place in the history of your work.”  {LLM 30.3}
Organization and Methodology of This Study
The following information is necessarily very concise and heavily abbreviated. Any other method would be nearly an attempt to reorganize the contents of the manuscripts under discussion. The study has been performed over the course of time by following a simple course of action. Prior to each study session, I have pleaded with God for help to understand what is applicable and why. Then I have commenced reading with the paragraph immediately following the place where I have last left off.

While reading I have endeavored to ask myself, “Does this counsel contain information that would be helpful to the organizing and pioneering of a school today that is similar in principle that which has been proposed by the brainstorming committee? If not, does it give any significant reasons why the nature of the proposal ought to be significantly altered?” In the event that the first question is answered in the affirmative, I have asked, “Does it answer better the question of What, Who, Where, Why, When, or How?” “Does it address specifics brought up in the committee?” “Does it address specifics that should have been brought up in the committee, or that should be broached in a further meeting?”

On the basis of the first question I have organized the ideas into sections named “What,” “Who,” etc. And I have allowed the latter questions to determine the way in which the counsel is summarized. In many cases conclusions based on the counsel stand in place of the counsel itself. In every case the number given as a reference refers to a page and paragraph number in the book Loma Linda Messages. Exceptions are those references where an abbreviation specifying a different book is indicated. All references are given in standard format as found at the end of paragraphs on the official Ellen White CD-ROM.

Segment 1, below, covers pages 1-60 in the original edition, 1-38 in the edition published in 1981. The pagination below represents the 1981 edition.


3.6                   Before the counsel came to train physicians at LL, the counsel came to train nurses there

4.6                   Train Physicians who will work without demanding highest pay

5.2                   [NOT EGW] Committee to oversee the training at LL discussed the same options that we

did. They spoke of training workers in a new line of medicine (as Osteopaths, etc.) and of

giving an education in the pre-med work where students would finish elsewhere.

7.2                   [NOT EGW] Resolved: To seek a charter from the state to be able to grant degrees.

resolution recognized that many students will enter foreign fields after one or two years

of medical training as these foreign fields were not as regulated. These will not need


27.5                 Multiple sanitariums in Southern California….teaching 3 Angel’s Messages, etc.


7.1                   [NOT EGW] LL resolved to start training nurses and doctors with a “strong educational faculty:”

Two Physicians working as teachers

Three Physicians working in the sanitarium

One Bible Teacher

One General Education Teacher

A Few Vo-Tech Teachers to teach:



Dietetics and Cooking

“Etc.”                          Apparent Goal for Original Faculty: 12 Persons


1.1-1.6                   Redlands and S. California were chosen because of their:

Climate, also 27:

Tourist Traffic, also 27.2

Current and future secular interest in sanitariums in that area

The idea to build there, though it was God’s, was not made immediately clear, but rather was allowed to grow on people as a plausibility

2.3, 3.1            The place chosen  by God must be secured by faith and prompt action

The fact that it is chosen is no evidence that it will not be taken by others

Believers (EGW) promised not only to help pay, but to help raise money

3.3                   Beauty of landscape was a primary reason to choose LL

3.7                   The collection and arrangement of buildings at LL gave “great advantage” to the place.

27.3-28.2         Away from city (Los Angeles) but in its vicinity. See 27.5 under “What”

In “rural district,” where sick have benefit of “outdoor life”


28.6                 “Do your best to remedy the neglect of the past . . . .If this sanitarium is conducted in harmony with the will of God, it will be a means” of winning many souls.

30.5-31.4         Some are asking, “Why depend so much on sanitariums? Why do we not pray for the miraculous healing of the sick?” Ellen White answers that in early SDA history, many were healed, and many continued a poor life-style. God is not glorified. He is glorified, rather, by health education. This is why.

36.1                 Why are other schools already established not sufficient for the need? They have worked at “cross purposes” with God, “making it necessary for God to withdraw His prospering hand from the publishing association and from the conference.”

38.7                 “For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance rise to the Jews (the work) from another place, but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed:” Ester 4:14


9.3                   Establish the Sanitarium first, either with very small school, or before the school

28.3                 “Why this work should be delayed from year to year is a great mystery.” See 28:4 under “Revenues”


3.6                             Invite prominent SDA’s (Haskell in LL case) to come urging need of them to give proper tone to the institution.

4.2                             School at LL with Sanitarium to be conducted “like schools of the prophets” May not be “like” others. Should train, not for commercial enterprise, but for selfless service

4.3                    “must have carefully selected instructors.”

4.3                   Students must not be required to:

Take unessential classes to graduate

Take objectionable classes to graduate

Depend on schools that require the unessential and objectionable to graduate

5.5-6.2             [NOT EGW] Resolved to ask world field to bear the expense in light of the fact that the

graduates would serve the world field and not be primarily stationed in the conference

where LL was located.

6.7                   [NOT EGW] Resolved to train “fully accredited physicians.” Note: This demonstrates a

change in the use of the word “accredited” from referring to the legally recognized

abilities of medical personnel to the recognizing of institutions as qualified to train them.

7.2                   [NOT EGW] Estimated cost to equip the LL buildings technically – $15,000. This is

equivalent to about $200,000 is gold-buying power today.

8.6-9.3             EGW responds to the above three resolutions. She tells them that if they had a sure way

to get the money, the plans would be good. But it would be premature to move forward

in plans so large if it meant incurring such a large indebtedness. See 21.9 for evidence

that it was actually built much larger than originally planned.

9.4-9.6             Especially should they not invest in equipping the school to be able immediately qualify

physicians for the “state” examinations. Grow only as fast as they can manage the


10.1                 In this context—it is not essential that we train fully qualified physicians that can

“compete” with the physicians of the world.

10.2                 You may have “success” in training medical missionaries with degrees. Simplicity is key.

10.3                 World’s medical standard is to be “less and less valued” by us.

Our own standard, different and higher, will become the standard as we stick to it.

This is a matter of prophecy. The “less and less value” is certainly thinking out of the

box. (my note).

10.4                 “Not now prepared to carry on large institutions of medical learning.”

13-14               Q.        LL asked EGW:

“Would there be danger, first, in securing a charter for the school that would open the way for the Loma Linda students to secure this advantage in worldly schools of completing their course, and becoming accredited physicians? Would such a plan lead away from the purpose of the school — to qualify large numbers with the ability of physicians to labor as evangelists?”

A.        She answered with the following points

“We want none of that kind of ‘higher education’ that will put us in a position where the credit must be given, not to the Lord God of Israel, but to the god of Ekron. The Lord designs that we shall stand as a distinct people, so connected with Him that He can work with us. Let our physicians realize that they are to depend wholly upon the true God.  {LLM 14.2}

“I felt a heavy burden this morning when I read over a letter that I found in my room, in which a plan was outlined for having medical students take some work at Loma Linda, but to get the finishing touches of their education from some worldly institution. I must state that the light that I have received is that we are to stand as a commandment-keeping people, and this will separate us from the world. {LLM 14.3}. . . . Your success depends upon the blessing of God, not upon the views of men who are opposed to the law of God. When they see that God blesses us, then people will be led to give consideration to the truths we teach.  {LLM 14.5}

[NOTE: The whole of this letter is interesting on these particular points. Perhaps these pages are the most important ones in the book for the philosophical basis of dealing with the accreditation issue. “Hindsight” by Dave Fiedler has significant information on this point that ought to be understood regarding the Miraculous Work of God to make provision for obedience to this counsel..]

16.7                 “I am instructed to say that in our educational work there is to be no compromise in order to meet the world’s standards.” [Note: this was written apparently in response to the resolution to secure a state charter and move forward with following EGW’s counsel as noted above.] “Our people are now being tested” she wrote, regarding their source of wisdom. God? Or Ekron? “Let us determine that we will not be tied by so much as a thread to the educational policies of those who do not discern the voice of God, and who will not hearken to His commandments. . .  {LLM 16.8}

Shall we represent before the world, that our physicians must follow the pattern of the world before they can be qualified to act as successful physicians? This is the question that is now testing the faith of some of our brethren. {17.1}

Some have advised that students should, after taking some work at Loma Linda, complete their medical education in worldly colleges. But this is not in harmony with the Lord’s plan. God is our wisdom, our sanctification, and our righteousness. Facilities should be provided at Loma Linda, that the necessary instruction in medical lines may be given by instructors who fear the Lord, and who are in harmony with His plans for the (26) treatment of the sick.  {LLM 17.2}

“I have not a word to say in favor of the world’s ideas of higher education in any school that we shall organize for the training of physicians. There is danger in their attaching themselves to worldly institutions, and working under the ministrations of worldly physicians.

33-37               Not by the wisdom of men, but by following the Spirit of Prophecy. THESE PAGES ARE A BEAUTIFUL BIBLE AND HISTORY STUDY ON PROPHETIC GUIDANCE. They were written by Elder Burden.

37.5-37.7         “If ever the Lord has spoken by me, He speaks when I say that the workers engaged in educational lines, in ministerial lines, and in medical missionary lines must stand as a unit. “Medical missionary work is yet in its infancy. The meaning of genuine medical missionary work is known but by few. Why? Because the Saviour’s plan of work has not been followed.”

What is this plan?

Companies should be organized and educated most thoroughly

With nurses

With evangelists

With ministers

With canvassers

With “gospel students”

These should make “medical evangelistic tours” among “towns and villages”


10.3                 We should not charge the “high prices” for medical attention that physicians charge

for this would be “working away” from Christ’s life.

10.4                 “Many more” lady nurses and physicians for treating females

12                    [NOT EGW] Request to the GC for funding was answered mostly negatively.

However, the GC did agree to pay the Bible teacher and to request the local Union

to carry part of the financial load, and to send students.

19                    [NOT EGW} Resolution:     “(4) That the school be maintained by Funds obtained as follows: (a) Tuition; (b) Donations; (c) Deficit, if any, to (page 29 begins) be met annually by the General Conference, the Lake, Northern, Central, Southwestern, North Pacific, and Pacific Union Conferences, and the Southern California Conference, all sharing equally.  {LLM 19.3}

21                    School operated with a net gain even its first year. Started with about 45 students, half studying to be physicians, and half studying to be nurses. Capitol investment was donated.

28:3-28.5         “It has been a lack of harmony . . . that has delayed the establishment of a sanitarium . . .[because of] variance . . . means that should have been invested in sanitariums have been turned into other channels. . .The [start debt-free] idea . . .has put the brakes upon the wheels of progress.” In building schools and sanitariums “I have had to borrow money” that “something might be done at once.” For 20 years I have been borrowing and “paying interest on it.” Thus [is this a selling point??] “the tithe has been increased, and workers been added to the Lord’s forces.” “Will my brethren consider this?”

29.3                 [NOT EGW} Pledges were used to raise substantial money. [Note: This has been a regular feature of institutional pioneering. The wealthy may give a great deal. In offerings the middle and poor classes may give some substantial amount. But these classes may give, themselves, a very great sum in pledges. Pledges obligate them to a habit of self-denial that will cause a great deal more money to come to the cause than will taking up offerings.

36.5                 The willingness of the sanitarium to invest its earnings outside of itself, in the school and in foreign missions, would have kept it prospering. “The withholding tends to poverty.”


4.4                   Hunt for students who will “plow into the Word” and will prepare to fulfill Matt 28

7.4                   Original plan was to train 25 to 50 students. This appears to be the goal for the ongoing

program, rather than a goal for starting.

21.9                 1910, voted to begin building, ladies dorm to house 100. School opened that fall.

30.6                 “Great care should be shown in choosing young people to connect with our sanitariums.” Only lovers of truth, those that can spiritually help patients, those apt to learn from Jesus, should be chosen.


4.3                   Primacy of the Word. Taught that it is “essential.”

13:1                 [NOT EGW] LL found that two teach all that was necessary for a two-year course

in a public institution, plus the Bible and practical work God required, would take

three years. These three years were “readily” accepted for “two” in outside schools.

18.4-18.5         “The light given me is, We must provide that which is essential to qualify our youth who desire to be physicians, so that they may intelligently fit themselves to be able to stand the examinations essential to prove their efficiency as physicians. They are to be prepared to stand the essential tests required by law. . . .And whatever subjects are required as essential in the schools conducted by those not of our faith, we are to supply, so (28) that our youth need not go to these worldly schools.


Ellen White wrote “that I never advise anything unless I have a decided impression that it should be carried out.” 2.4.